Monday 15 February 2016

Last week was Discovery Week in Rise Park!  We had a wonderful time and we were set the task to set up a colony on the moon!
First we decided which essential items we would pack in our suitcases.
Next we decided on what our job would be when we arrived on the moon, our choices varied from police officers to dinner ladies!
Then we built some accommodation so we had somewhere safe to stay (thank you for all the recycled materials).
Finally we planned a healthy meal so we wouldn't be too hungry!
Have a look at some of the photos of the activities that we have been doing.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

This week in Math's we are learning about telling the time.  We are starting with o'clock and then we will be moving onto half past.
Today we made our own clocks which we will be using throughout the week.
Please help us to keep telling the time at home!