Friday 18 December 2015

Wow year one!  What a busy end to a super term!  You have all worked really hard and Mrs Mee and Miss Atwal are impressed by your improving attitudes to learning.

In Maths we have learnt all about ...
adding, subtraction, number bonds to 10, measures, 2D and 2D shapes, time and many other things.

In English we have learnt about ...
sentence structure, poetry, letter writing, changing a familiar story, talking about our favourite story parts and all sorts of other things!

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and we look forward to seeing you all feeling refreshed and ready to learn in January!

Finally, a big well done to all the children who achieved their bronze medal in assembly today!  Those children have come to school every day since September.  Remember it is crucial that all the children come to school on time, every day to maximise their learning potential. 

Thursday 26 November 2015

We are really proud to tell you that EVERY child in year one went on Commando Joe's inflatable today.  This is because the children have been trying so hard with their behaviour.  No-one has been on red more than once in the month of November.
We hope this continues for the rest of the academic year!
Have a look at the fun we had!

KS1 Production Costume
Your child is in the choir in the KS1 performance 'In a Stable'.
We would be really grateful if you could provide black trousers and a white t-shirt.  Costumes will be required in school on Friday 4th December.  If you have any trouble sourcing these items please let us know sooner rather than later.  Please bring items in a labeled bag.  Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Friday 13 November 2015

Children In Need
13th November 2015
'Be A Hero'
A huge thank you to everyone who has donated to our Children in Need campaign.  It was wonderful to see the children dressed up as different heroes.  Have a look at some of our photos below!


Saturday 17 October 2015

After we had collected our leaves, the next step was to begin our animal creations!  We made foxes, hedgehogs, butterflies and owls.
We chose which colour leaves we needed and made our animals.  When they were dry we covered them with glitter and PVA glue to give them a bit of extra sparkle!  Have a look at some of our finished animals!

Wednesday 14 October 2015

We are really enjoying Science this week! 
It is Science theme week and we are seeing just how Scientific Rise Park can be!
In year one we have been looking at leaves and how they change over time.  Here are some photos of us collecting leaves to use to make animal leaf art!  Look back in a few days to see the finished results!