Friday 18 December 2015

Wow year one!  What a busy end to a super term!  You have all worked really hard and Mrs Mee and Miss Atwal are impressed by your improving attitudes to learning.

In Maths we have learnt all about ...
adding, subtraction, number bonds to 10, measures, 2D and 2D shapes, time and many other things.

In English we have learnt about ...
sentence structure, poetry, letter writing, changing a familiar story, talking about our favourite story parts and all sorts of other things!

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and we look forward to seeing you all feeling refreshed and ready to learn in January!

Finally, a big well done to all the children who achieved their bronze medal in assembly today!  Those children have come to school every day since September.  Remember it is crucial that all the children come to school on time, every day to maximise their learning potential.